The Byron Nelson Returns

Well it’s about that time again as we begin preparing for the 2014 Byron Nelson Championship here in Dallas. This year, despite the lack of a maintenance facility, should go off really well. This year our Fairway mowers will be getting new reels installed, we will be running new walking greens mowers, and we will also be replacing the reels in our triplex units. While that is currently underway we are now making sure that we have all the tools needed to provide the best conditions possible. We have a few repairs to do on our leveling table, installed our new lifts, lift tables, parts washer, new set of hand tools and new grinders. The biggest challenge we have this year has been the extremely cold winter. So now we are just hoping for warmer days so we can get back to growing grass.

In personal news my family and I were offered a position to transfer to our new Four Seasons Property in Orlando at Disney World and have decided to accept. While a tough decision to leave our talented team in Dallas it is a great opportunity to be apart of a great new property with some added responsibilities than I currently have. While I will be returning to Dallas as needed in the future I will not be transferring until after the Byron Nelson Championship. I am looking forward to the new challenges and getting back closer to family after such a tough 2013.

Previous Roller-coaster Month Continues
Next Repair and Maintenance - Should it be one budget item?

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