Height of Cut Gauge Changes

After a few weeks of working with the prototype height gauge and gathering some feedback we have made a few changes before Prototype II units ship out to our first 20 golf courses. Of all the feedback we have gathered the number one thing that kept coming up was that it weighed to much. So what we have done is cut all of the excess weight away but manages to keep the strength of the bar intact. The new weight equals that of existing “steel” height of cut gauges however remains consistent with our intentions and that is to have an equal height of cut setting between all technicians in the shop.

The one thing that impresses me with this design is even though we changed the design quite a bit I took Prototype 1 and compared the height of cut setting with Prototype II and it was within .001. This is something that would never happen between 2 of our existing height of cut gauges. Take a look at the photos of the new design below. The 20 prototypes that were ordered will ship out this week to users so we can gather the final feedback needed before we begin production of the gauges following The Golf Industry Show in San Diego in 2013.

HOC Gauge Bottom

Height of Cut Gauge

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