Thanks to All

I just wanted to take the time to say thanks to all of those individuals and companies who helped us prepare for the 2013 Byron Nelson Championship. It was a long yet rewarding week so I want to give special thanks to the following:

Mike Kriz  (Arrowhead Country Club) – Rapid City, SD – Worked +100 hours helping us prepare equipment on both morning and evening shifts.

Jerry Kara (Grand Prairie) – Helped us in the shop with setting up fairway mowers 2 days of the tournament.

Austin Turf and Tractor (John Deere Dealer) – Provided us with (2) 220C’s, (1) 2653A, (5) Gators, (1) 7500 Fairway Mower and a 1200A bunker rake. In addition to that they also sponsored a dinner for the complete crew.

Esteban Ballesteros and Elmer (Four Seasons Punta Mita) – Assisted us all week prepping the golf course

Colby Johnson (BWI) – our sales rep assisted with bunker preperation every morning of the event. Also sponsored a dinner for the entire crew during tournament week.

Brad Maddern, Casey Hicks and Kyle Hahn – Managed to keep our moisture level on greens within 2% variation of our target all week. This takes some outstanding attention to detail and a lot of work.

Professional Turf Products ( Toro Dealer) – Provided us with (1) Workman utility cart.

Jose Martinez, Jose Delgado and Alberto Ortega – Picture Coming Soon – The guys did a great job preparing the equipment and excellent attention to detail and maintaining our tight tolerances on cutting unit set-up. It’s not an easy task but they did a tremendous job.

Scott Abernathy, Rusty Wilson, Courtland Winkle, Matt Noles, Anothony Benes, Landon Lindsay, Brian Watson – Our agronomic team did a great job this week managinc moisture, minimizing mistakes, and keeping us organized all week. It’s not any easy task to manage 50 + staff and volunteers and produce the type of results we produced. Great job.

Sanjuana Sanchez (Administrative Assistant) – Coordinated all of our breakfast and dinners. As well as taking care of our random tasks throughout the week. We could not function without her.

Tom Brown (PGA Tour Agronomist) – It is great to see such great communication, direction and leadership from the PGA Tour. Tom really helped us all week with making sure we knew where we were each day and keeping us updated on changes that “may” need to be made to the golf course so we had the time to prepare. Outside of that it was truly great to see the interest he had in the tools and methods we use to prepare for the event.

Mr. Agote, Rob Cowan, Paul Earnest, Pat McMahon, and several of members – On Thursday morning after a 2″ rain the canal on #14 overflowed and completely covered the fairway with debris. This group played a significant role in helping us get the hole ready for play with no delays.

John Martin (Aggreko) – Provided us a generator on site when power went out to the irrigation system on TPC.

Brad Holland and Jon Drago – The Salesmanship Club is a great partner and really helped us pull off a great event.

The Four Seasons – I also want to thank our employer for providing us the tools to do our job.

It was truly a great week due to all the help of the above as well as our grounds staff. It takes real talent to work the type of hours we worked this week and to provide consistent conditions day in and day out. Congrats to everyone!

Here are a few pictures throughout the week.

Previous Greens Committee Meeting for Byron Nelson Championship
Next Life Changes - The Things we Overcome

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