Time for a Change

I have been at The Ritz-Carlton Members Club for 7 years and 2 months now. Over that time I’ve had endless opportunities. Many of these opportunities I owe to my old boss Nick Von Hoffen. When I visited with Nick during my 7 interviews I explained to him what my goals were. We talked about the future and hit it off well. Nick enabled me the opportunity to do what I do best. There was never a worry of if things were done correctly or what the goals were the idea was that we create the best experience imaginable. When the economy tanked we continued to look at ways to be more efficient and still provide members with that great experience. During this time the IGCEMA (International Golf Course Equipment Manager’s Association) was born. Nick, Steve Sowards our Club Manager and Jim McManemon our General Manager encouraged us to think outside the box and to exceed expectations. My experience at the Ritz Carlton was a great learning experience that was nurtured by key people who had something to share and teach. The biggest thing was they also liked to learn. I find it very important that we all are humble enough to realize that we don’t know everything and that life is full of challenges and experiences that push us to learn from our mistakes and pick up ideas from those who have advice to give. The Ritz Carlton gave me the business acumen to help take me to the next level and while I will always appreciate that all great things must come to an end.

Over the last few years I have continued to look for more challenges. As a person who is driven by perfection and organization it is very tough to enjoy things when there are no mountains left to climb. Within the company I have climbed as high as I can and at 34 years old I am not ready to stop climbing. I think everyone experiences times in their life when they need a change. Those times where the smallest challenge or new thing brings back that excitement that drove you to where you are. Over the last week I experienced that again. Last week I worked a PGA Tour event at TPC @ Las Colinas. When I say there were challenges as we speak I am going back to BOLD that word. The great thing about it was that we had a time line to get the equipment prepared 3 days. In that 3 days I got to witness a great team pull together working 18 hour days so we could look our best for the event. Once the event started the comments began to pour in and I thought it was great to see the guys in the shop having an opportunity to enjoy themselves during the process. Last week brought me back to what I loved so much about challenges and that is the rewarding feeling you get once you complete them. So as I was leaving apparently I made an impression and was offered a position with The Four Seasons in Dallas. After some heavy decision making I felt that a new challenge was exactly what I needed. A place that has a great team already where you can come in and make great strides in improving is never a wrong decision so I decided to take them up on the offer.

Beginning June 16th I will be working as the Equipment Manager in Dallas, Texas at The Four Seasons Resort where I will manage the equipment for TPC @ Las Colinas and Cottonwood Valley. I think it is an exciting time and I am looking forward to it.

Below are some pictures of the tournament preparation. I want to thank everyone who has helped me throughout the years in getting to where I am without you I wouldn’t be where I am.


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