Preperation for the 2013 Byron Nelson Championship

Jason Dufner 2012 Winner

Well now that I have returned from the Golf Industry Show it is time to begin preperation for the 2013 Byron Nelson Championship that will start in May. I know what your thinking the event doesn’t start for 2 and a half months why start so soon? Well the simple answer is I like to not be rushed preparing. I would rather have a 3 month plan working up to an event then a 2 week plan of lots of hours and stress. There are so many things to get done and prepare for and this is my first year at The Four Seasons so a lot of it is finding what works. We have undergone a lot of change over the last 6 months and now its time to establish some consistent methods of cutting unit set-up, equipment checks and details,details, details.

When your work is showcased on a national stage I feel it is important to take advantage of the opportunity. There are so many moving pieces to an operation and if one thing goes wrong on TV well we all know what happens. It’s that hydraulic leak or the brush that ate the green or the are they walkmowing fairways question. Not only that but I have my own standards I want to introduce. We have the new IGCEMA height of cut gauge, finally get to use my leveling process on the big stage and at the end of the day I want the comments that we look better than we ever have and that we did it for less money. Thats what it is all about.

So stay tuned over the next few months as I bring to the blog the different process we are going through to prepare for our PGA Tour event here at The Four Seasons.

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